February FREE Download offer
15/02/2022 14:51
Available from February 17th to 21st - a FREE download from Amazon KDP. The Uniorn Conspiracy, a tale of International intrigue and suspense. Sparrowhawk, a great detective and a complex murder case to solve. Em, a story describing a day in the life of a Northern girl with each chapter...
FREE Writers Reference Books from Author Quentin Cope
09/01/2022 10:25
From January 13th to January 17th Quentin Cope and Mecurian Books will be promoting a series of writers self-help and reference books for a FREE download on Amazon sites worldwide. If you are just starting out on the rocky road to literary success, then a quick read of these useful little books may...
Holmeside Writers Magazine now On-Line
07/01/2022 09:25
We are pleased to announce the all new Holmeside Writers Magazine, Issue 1 is now on-line and can be found at the link below. The magazine will become a showpiece for work submitted by members of the Holmeside Writers group based in Sunderland formed and led by well known writer an academic Iain...
Top 100 spot on Amazon for 'A Billion Dollar Double Cross'
24/12/2021 10:11
We were pleased to wake up on this chilly Christmas Eve to find that 'A Billion Dollar Double Cross' had entered the Amazon TOP 100 isting for Crime, Fiction & Action. At number 68, it has just nudged Dan Brown to numner 70. Many thanks to everyone and if we keep pushing we can achieve...